Wildlife Publications Seminar Guide

Arizona Red Squirrel

Wildlife Publications Presents is a service designed to provide wildlife care organizations with tailored training seminars. The courses are built using components that can be added or deleted as needed for your organization.

For example, in the disease course, any number of diseases cab be added or deleted as requested by the host. The oil spill training is similarly constructed and can be functionally designed to meet local needs. Future plans include a course on toxins and pesticides with emphasis on diagnosis, testing, and treatment.


Hosting a Seminar

We offer both lecture and laboratory courses. Host requirements for lecture courses are relatively simple - they mainly involve reserving a suitable site with a slide projector and screen, making hotel reservations for the instructor(s), and providing site maps, lunch information, and refreshments.

Laboratory courses (for example, oiled birds) require more from host groups. Depending on the course selected, they usually involve specific plumbing and hot water requirements, and local animals. Minimum class size depends on course costs, which vary from location to location - the estimated minimum is 25 registrants.

If you would like to host a course in your area, please contact us.

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